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  • Hagar gave a name to Yahweh who had spoken to her, 'You are El Roi,' by which she meant, 'Did I not go on seeing here, after him who sees me?' (Genesis 16, 13)

  • Jacob raised a monument at the spot where he had spoken to him, a standing-stone, on which he made a libation and poured oil. (Genesis 35, 14)

  • Jacob named the place Bethel where God had spoken to him. (Genesis 35, 15)

  • Moses said to Yahweh, 'Please, my Lord, I have never been eloquent, even since you have spoken to your servant, for I am slow and hesitant of speech.' (Exodus 4, 10)

  • Yahweh said to Moses, 'Tell the Israelites this, "You have seen for yourselves how I have spoken to you from heaven. (Exodus 20, 22)

  • Moses went and told the people all Yahweh's words and all the laws, and all the people answered with one voice, 'All the words Yahweh has spoken we will carry out!' (Exodus 24, 3)

  • Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to whom you swore by your very self and made this promise: "I shall make your offspring as numerous as the stars of heaven, and this whole country of which I have spoken, I shall give to your descendants, and it will be their heritage for ever." (Exodus 32, 13)

  • ' "If someone sins in any of these following cases: "He should have come forward to give evidence when he heard the formal adjuration, having seen the incident or known the facts; but he has not spoken out, and so bears the consequences of his guilt; (Leviticus 5, 1)

  • They said, 'Is Moses the only one through whom Yahweh has spoken? Has he not spoken through us too?' Yahweh heard this. (Numbers 12, 2)

  • I, Yahweh, have spoken: this is how I swear to treat this entire perverse community united against me. In this desert, to the last man, they shall die.' (Numbers 14, 35)

  • I shall put my words into his mouth and he will tell them everything I command him. Anyone who refuses to listen to my words, spoken by him in my name, will have to render an account to me. (Deuteronomy 18, 19)

  • When a prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh and the thing does not happen and the word is not fulfilled, then it has not been said by Yahweh. The prophet has spoken presumptuously. You have nothing to fear from him.' (Deuteronomy 18, 22)

“Esforce-se, mesmo se for um pouco, mas sempre…” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina