Talált 82 Eredmények: Takes/page/6/page/4

  • "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. (Exodus 20, 7)

  • If he takes another wife to himself, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, or her marital rights. (Exodus 21, 10)

  • Any man also of the people of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among them, who takes in hunting any beast or bird that may be eaten shall pour out its blood and cover it with dust. (Leviticus 17, 13)

  • If a man takes a wife and her mother also, it is wickedness; they shall be burned with fire, both he and they, that there may be no wickedness among you. (Leviticus 20, 14)

  • "If a man takes his sister, a daughter of his father or a daughter of his mother, and sees her nakedness, and she sees his nakedness, it is a shameful thing, and they shall be cut off in the sight of the children of their people; he has uncovered his sister's nakedness, he shall bear his iniquity. (Leviticus 20, 17)

  • If a man takes his brother's wife, it is impurity; he has uncovered his brother's nakedness, they shall be childless. (Leviticus 20, 21)

  • "This is the law for the Nazirite who takes a vow. His offering to the LORD shall be according to his vow as a Nazirite, apart from what else he can afford; in accordance with the vow which he takes, so shall he do according to the law for his separation as a Nazirite." (Numbers 6, 21)

  • "`You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. (Deuteronomy 5, 11)

  • For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the terrible God, who is not partial and takes no bribe. (Deuteronomy 10, 17)

  • "If any man takes a wife, and goes in to her, and then spurns her, (Deuteronomy 22, 13)

  • "When a man takes a wife and marries her, if then she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some indecency in her, and he writes her a bill of divorce and puts it in her hand and sends her out of his house, and she departs out of his house, (Deuteronomy 24, 1)

  • "`Cursed be he who takes a bribe to slay an innocent person.' And all the people shall say, `Amen.' (Deuteronomy 27, 25)

“As almas! As almas! Se alguém soubesse o preço que custam”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina