Talált 109 Eredmények: Bore/page/4/page/5/page/6/page/6

  • And the elder bore a son, and called his name Moab: he is the father of the Moabites unto this day. (Genesis 19, 37)

  • The younger also bore a son, and called his name Ammon, that is, the son of my people: he is the father of the Ammonites unto this day. (Genesis 19, 38)

  • And when Abraham prayed, God healed Abimelech and his wife, and his handmaids, and they bore children: (Genesis 20, 17)

  • And she conceived and bore a son in her old age, at the time that God had foretold her. (Genesis 21, 2)

  • And Abraham called the name of his son, whom Sara bore him, Isaac. (Genesis 21, 3)

  • And again she said: Who would believe that Abraham should hear that Sara gave suck to a son, whom she bore to him in his old age. (Genesis 21, 7)

  • And his concubine, named Roma, bore Tabee, and Gaham, and Tahas, and Maacha. (Genesis 22, 24)

  • And she answered: I am the daughter of Bathuel, the son of Melcha, whom she bore to Nachor. (Genesis 24, 24)

  • And I asked her, and said: Whose daughter art thou? And she answered: I am the daughter of Bathuel, the son of Nachor, whom Melcha bore to him. So I put earrings on her to adorn her face, and I put bracelets on her hands. (Genesis 24, 47)

  • Who bore to him Zamran, and Jecsan, and Madan, and Madian, and Jesboc, and Sue. (Genesis 25, 2)

  • These are the generations of Ismael the son of Abraham, whom Agar the Egyptian, Sara's servant, bore unto him: (Genesis 25, 12)

  • And she conceived and bore a son, and called his name Ruben, saying: The Lord saw my affliction: now my husband will love me. (Genesis 29, 32)

“Se precisamos ter paciência para suportar os defeitos dos outros, quanto mais ainda precisamos para tolerar nossos próprios defeitos!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina