Talált 57 Eredmények: acted/page/2/page/3/page/4

  • But Abimelech had not gone near her, so he said, "My Lord, are you going to kill a pagan who acted with good intention? (Genesis 20, 4)

  • Didn't he say to me: 'She is my sister'? And she said to me: 'He is my brother.' I acted in the simplicity of my heart and with innocent hands." (Genesis 20, 5)

  • The king called the midwives and said, "Why have you acted like that and let the children live?" (Exodus 1, 18)

  • And now, tell me, have you acted rightly and truthfully in choosing Abimelech king? Have you treated Jerubaal and his family well and given him what he deserves according to his merits? (Judges 9, 16)

  • If you have acted rightly and truthfully toward Jerubaal and his family today, then may Abimelech rejoice in you and you in him. (Judges 9, 19)

  • This is how they acted with the people. When someone offered sacrifice, the servant of the priest would come while the meat was still boiling. (1 Samuel 2, 13)

  • Saul was told that the people were sinning against Yahweh by eating over the blood. He said, "You have acted like pagan people! Roll a large stone here in front of me." (1 Samuel 14, 33)

  • But the people protested, "By no means shall Jonathan die, he who has brought this resounding victory to Israel! Not at all! By Yahweh's life not one hair of his head will fall, for he has acted today with God's assistance." So the people rescued Jonathan from certain death. (1 Samuel 14, 45)

  • Then Saul said, "I have done wrong. Come back, David my son. I will not harm you anymore since you valued my life this day. I have acted like a fool and have made a great mistake." (1 Samuel 26, 21)

  • But after he had the people counted, David felt remorse and said to Yahweh, "I have sinned greatly in what I have done, but now, O Yahweh, I ask you to forgive my sin for I have acted foolishly." (2 Samuel 24, 10)

  • When David saw the angel striking the people, he spoke to Yahweh and said, "I have sinned and acted wickedly, but these are only the sheep; what have they done? Let your hand strike me and my father's family." (2 Samuel 24, 17)

  • and if, in the land where they have been carried captive, they sincerely repent and plead with you and say, 'We have sinned and have acted wrongly and wickedly'; (1 Kings 8, 47)

“Tenhamos sempre horror ao pecado mortal e nunca deixemos de caminhar na estrada da santa eternidade.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina