Talált 240 Eredmények: Offer/page/5/page/2/page/6

  • Then God said, "Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I shall point out to you." (Genesis 22, 2)

  • Jacob said, "But, no, please! Accept the gift I offer, for I came to you as to God, and you received me kindly. (Genesis 33, 10)

  • The man said, "Where is he? Why did you leave him there? Call him and offer him a meal." (Exodus 2, 20)

  • They then said, "The God of the Hebrews has met with us. Allow us to make a three days' journey to the desert. There we shall offer sacrifices to Yahweh, our God, lest he punish us with the plague or the sword." (Exodus 5, 3)

  • But Moses replied, "That would not be right. We offer to our God animals which are sacred for the Egyptians. If we were to offer in their presence a sacrifice which offends the Egyptians, wouldn't they stone us? (Exodus 8, 22)

  • Yahweh said to Moses, "Go to Pharaoh and say to him, 'This is the message of Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews: Let my people go and offer sacrifices to me. (Exodus 9, 1)

  • No! Only the men will offer sacrifice to Yahweh, if that is what you want!" And they were driven away from Pharaoh's presence. (Exodus 10, 11)

  • No! Our cattle to the last hoof must also go with us, for it is from our livestock that we will choose the victims we will offer to Yahweh. Moreover we shall not know which ones we must sacrifice until we arrive at that place." (Exodus 10, 26)

  • Then Jethro brought a burnt offering and other sacrifices to offer to God; and Aaron came with all the elders of Israel to share this meal with Moses' father-in-law in the presence of God. (Exodus 18, 12)

  • Do not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leavened bread or let the fat of my feast remain until morning. (Exodus 23, 18)

  • He then sent young men from among the sons of Israel to offer burnt offerings and sacrifice bullocks as peace offerings to Yahweh. (Exodus 24, 5)

  • On each day of this week you are also to offer a bull as a sacrifice for sin, in atonement; by offering an atonement sacrifice for sin, you will take away sin from the altar; then you must anoint it, and so consecrate it. (Exodus 29, 36)

“Tente percorrer com toda a simplicidade o caminho de Nosso Senhor e não se aflija inutilmente.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina