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  • So the LORD relented in the punishment he had threatened to inflict on his people. (Exodus 32, 14)

  • In answer, the whole community threatened to stone them. But then the glory of the LORD appeared at the meeting tent to all the Israelites. (Numbers 14, 10)

  • "Those forty days, then, and forty nights, I lay prostrate before the LORD, because he had threatened to destroy you. (Deuteronomy 9, 25)

  • On that day I will carry out in full against Eli everything I threatened against his family. (1 Samuel 3, 12)

  • Saul therefore asked Michal: "Why did you play this trick on me? You have helped my enemy to get away!" Michal answered Saul: "He threatened me, 'Let me go or I will kill you.'" (1 Samuel 19, 17)

  • (Through the prophet Jehu, son of Hanani, the LORD had threatened Baasha and his house, because of all the evil Baasha did in the sight of the LORD, provoking him to anger by his evil deeds, so that he became like the house of Jeroboam; and because he killed Nadab.) (1 Kings 16, 7)

  • Thus says the LORD: I will bring upon this place and upon its inhabitants all the evil that is threatened in the book which the king of Judah has read. (2 Kings 22, 16)

  • The LORD loosed against him bands of Chaldeans, Arameans, Moabites, and Ammonites; he loosed them against Judah to destroy it, as the LORD had threatened through his servants the prophets. (2 Kings 24, 2)

  • In the eighteenth year, on the twenty-second day of the first month, there was a discussion in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar, king of the Assyrians, about taking revenge on the whole world, as he had threatened. (Judith 2, 1)

  • He threatened to burn my land, put my youths to the sword, Dash my babes to the ground, make my children a prey, and seize my virgins as spoil. (Judith 16, 4)

  • The Simon mentioned above as the informer about the funds against his own country, made false accusation that it was Onias who threatened Heliodorus and instigated the whole miserable affair. (2 Maccabees 4, 1)

  • Yet he too is wise and will bring disaster; he will not turn from what he has threatened to do. He will rise up against the house of the wicked and against those who help evildoers. (Isaiah 31, 2)

“Todas as pessoas que escolhem a melhor parte (viver em Cristo) devem passar pelas dores de Cristo; algumas mais, algumas menos…” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina