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  • Then you are to take them back and burn them on the altar, on top of the burnt offering, as a sweet-smelling offering which pleases Yahweh. (Exodus 29, 25)

  • The second lamb you must offer in the evening twilight; do this with the same amounts of flour, olive oil and wine as in the morning. This is a sweet-smelling offering which pleases Yahweh. (Exodus 29, 41)

  • Yahweh said to Moses, "Tell your brother, Aaron, not to enter at any time he pleases the Most Holy Place inside the veil, before the mercy Seat which is on the ark, lest he die, for I appear in the cloud over the mercy Seat. (Leviticus 16, 2)

  • And I said to the king, "If it pleases the king, may you give me letters for the governors of the province at the other side of the River that I may travel to Judah, (Nehemiah 2, 7)

  • He called Tobias and said to him: "My son, when I die, see to my burial. Look after your mother. Honor her all the days of your life. Do what pleases her and do not cause her any pain. (Tobit 4, 3)

  • That is why, while waiting patiently for him to save us, let us beg him to come to our help. He will listen to our plea, if it pleases him. (Judith 8, 17)

  • Judith said to him, "Who am I to go against the wishes of my Lord? All that pleases him I will hasten to do and that will be for me a joy until the day of my death." (Judith 12, 14)

  • If it pleases the king, therefore, let an irrevocable royal decree be issued and included among the laws of Persia and Media, that Vashti is never again to come into the presence of King Ahasuerus, and that the king is authorized to give her royal position to someone else more worthy than she. (Esther 1, 19)

  • Then let the girl who pleases the king take Vashti's place." The king was pleased with the suggestion and he acted on it. (Esther 2, 4)

  • if I have found favor with your majesty, if it pleases you to grant my petition and request, come with Haman tomorrow to another banquet I will prepare. Then I will answer your question." (Esther 5, 8)

  • Queen Esther replied, "If I have found favor with you, O king, and if it pleases your majesty, grant me my life; and spare also the lives of my people. This is my petition and request for myself and for my people. (Esther 7, 3)

  • Esther replied, "If it pleases the king, let the Jews in Susa be permitted again tomorrow to carry out today's edict, and let Haman's ten sons be hanged on the gallows." (Esther 9, 13)

“A natureza humana também quer a sua parte. Até Maria, Mãe de Jesus, que sabia que por meio de Sua morte a humanidade seria redimida, chorou e sofreu – e como sofreu!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina