pronađen 13 Rezultati za: midnight/page/1/page/2

  • Moses said, "This is Yahweh's message: 'About midnight, I shall go through Egypt (Exodus 11, 4)

  • With the hundred men with him, Gideon came to the Midianite camp just as the guards were changing shift at the beginning of the midnight watch. (Judges 7, 19)

  • But Samson slept until midnight. At midnight, he arose and took hold of the door panels of the city gates together with the doorcase, and pulled them up with the bar. He put them upon his shoulders and carried them to the hilltop opposite Hebron. (Judges 16, 3)

  • At midnight the man awoke when he turned over and felt someone lying at his feet. He got up and was startled to find a woman there. (Ruth 3, 8)

  • Then the officers of Holofernes led her to the tent and she slept until midnight. She arose at the morning watch (Judith 12, 5)

  • They die in a moment, even at midnight; people are shaken and pass away. Without effort he removes a tyrant. (Job 34, 20)

  • At midnight I rise to praise you for the justice of your ordinances. (Psalms 119, 62)

  • But at midnight, a cry rang out: 'The bridegroom is here, come out and meet him!' (Matthew 25, 6)

  • So stay awake, for you don't know when the Lord of the house will come, in the evening or at midnight, when the cock crows or before dawn. (Mark 13, 35)

  • Truly, I tell you, he will put on an apron and have them sit at table and he will wait on them. Happy are those servants if he finds them awake when he comes at midnight or daybreak! (Luke 12, 38)

  • About midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening. (Acts 16, 25)

  • On the first day of the week we were together for the breaking of the bread, and Paul, who intended to leave the following day, spoke at length. The discourse went on until midnight, (Acts 20, 7)

“Pobres e desafortunadas as almas que se envolvem no turbilhão de preocupações deste mundo. Quanto mais amam o mundo, mais suas paixões crescem, mais queimam de desejos, mais se tornam incapazes de atingir seus objetivos. E vêm, então, as inquietações, as impaciências e terríveis sofrimentos profundos, pois seus corações não palpitam com a caridade e o amor. Rezemos por essas almas desafortunadas e miseráveis, para que Jesus, em Sua infinita misericórdia, possa perdoá-las e conduzi-las a Ele.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina