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  • Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law the wife of Abram, and made them leave Ur of the Chaldaeans to go to the land of Canaan. But on arrival in Haran they settled there. (Genesis 11, 31)

  • Yahweh said to Abram, 'Leave your country, your kindred and your father's house for a country which I shall show you; (Genesis 12, 1)

  • When the Egyptians see you they will say, "That is his wife," and they will kill me but leave you alive. (Genesis 12, 12)

  • But I shall bring judgement on the nation that enslaves them and after this they will leave, with many possessions. (Genesis 15, 14)

  • So Lot went off and spoke to his future sons-in-law who were to marry his daughters. 'On your feet!' he said, 'Leave this place, for Yahweh is about to destroy the city.' But his sons-in-law thought he was joking. (Genesis 19, 14)

  • But he replied, 'Do not delay me, since Yahweh has made my journey successful; let me leave and go back to my master.' (Genesis 24, 56)

  • Then Abimelech said to Isaac, 'You must leave us, for you have become much more powerful than we are.' (Genesis 26, 16)

  • Isaac said to them, 'Why do you come to me since you hate me, and have made me leave you?' (Genesis 26, 27)

  • I am the God who appeared to you at Bethel, where you poured oil on a pillar and made a vow to me. On your feet, then, leave this country and return to the land of your birth." ' (Genesis 31, 13)

  • Esau then said, 'At least let me leave you some of the people who are with me.' 'What for?' Jacob asked. 'Please indulge me, my lord!' (Genesis 33, 15)

  • This is the test you are to undergo: as sure as Pharaoh lives you shall not leave unless your youngest brother comes here. (Genesis 42, 15)

  • But the man who is lord of the country said to us, "This is how I shall know whether you are honest: leave one of your brothers with me. Take supplies for your starving families and be gone, (Genesis 42, 33)

“Não queremos aceitar o fato de que o sofrimento é necessário para nossa alma e de que a cruz deve ser o nosso pão cotidiano. Assim como o corpo precisa ser nutrido, também a alma precisa da cruz, dia a dia, para purificá-la e desapegá-la das coisas terrenas. Não queremos entender que Deus não quer e não pode salvar-nos nem santificar-nos sem a cruz. Quanto mais Ele chama uma alma a Si, mais a santifica por meio da cruz.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina