Löydetty 78 Tulokset: Gift/page/1/page/2/page/2

  • Then she said, "God has offered me a beautiful gift; this time my husband will honor me for I have given him six children." She named the child Zebulun. (Genesis 30, 20)

  • Jacob said, "But, no, please! Accept the gift I offer, for I came to you as to God, and you received me kindly. (Genesis 33, 10)

  • So accept the gift I have brought you, for God has dealt generously with me and I have plenty." And so much did Jacob insist that Esau accepted the gift. (Genesis 33, 11)

  • Fix a price for the marriage and whatever gift you require. Whatever you ask I will give but only let me have the girl as my wife." (Genesis 34, 12)

  • Israel their father said to them, "If it must be so, then do this: take some choice products of the land in your bags and a gift for the man - some balm, a little honey, gum, myrrh, pistachio nuts and almonds. (Genesis 43, 11)

  • The men took the gift and the double amount of money as well. And, taking Benjamin, they set off and went down to Egypt and were admitted to the presence of Joseph. (Genesis 43, 15)

  • When Joseph came into the house, they offered him the gift they had with them and bowed to the ground before him. (Genesis 43, 26)

  • And to him and Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, he has given the gift of teaching. (Exodus 35, 34)

  • This rule refers to anyone of the Israelites or to any stranger living in Israel who brings anything for a burnt offering either in payment of a vow or as a voluntary gift. To be welcomed, he must offer a male ox, sheep or goat without any defect, (Leviticus 22, 19)

  • When you make a fragrant offering to Yahweh, either as a burnt offering or in payment of a vow, or as a voluntary gift, or on the occasion of one of your solemn feasts, whoever takes from his herds and flocks for a fragrant offering to Yahweh (Numbers 15, 3)

  • shall bring also, as a gift to Yahweh, a grain offering of two pounds of fine flour mixed with two pints of oil. (Numbers 15, 4)

  • I myself have chosen your relatives, the Levites, from among the Israelites as a gift to you. They will belong to Yahweh, to serve at the Tent of Meeting. (Numbers 18, 6)

“Enquanto tiver medo de ser infiel a Deus, você não será’. Deve-se ter medo quando o medo acaba!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina