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  • When he had finished setting forth his plan, Nebuchadnezzar king of the Assyrians called Holofernes, the chief general of his army, second only to himself, and said to him, (Judith 2, 4)

  • So Holofernes left the presence of his master, and called together all the commanders, generals, and officers of the Assyrian army, (Judith 2, 14)

  • From there Holofernes took his whole army, his infantry, cavalry, and chariots, and went up into the hill country (Judith 2, 22)

  • The men came to Holofernes and told him all this. (Judith 3, 5)

  • By this time the people of Israel living in Judea heard of everything that Holofernes, the general of Nebuchadnezzar the king of the Assyrians, had done to the nations, and how he had plundered and destroyed all their temples; (Judith 4, 1)

  • When Holofernes, the general of the Assyrian army, heard that the people of Israel had prepared for war and had closed the passes in the hills and fortified all the high hilltops and set up barricades in the plains, (Judith 5, 1)

  • When Achior had finished saying this, all the men standing around the tent began to complain; Holofernes' officers and all the men from the seacoast and from Moab insisted that he must be put to death. (Judith 5, 22)

  • Therefore let us go up, Lord Holofernes, and they will be devoured by your vast army." (Judith 5, 24)

  • When the disturbance made by the men outside the council died down, Holofernes, the commander of the Assyrian army, said to Achior and all the Moabites in the presence of all the foreign contingents: (Judith 6, 1)

  • Then Holofernes ordered his slaves, who waited on him in his tent, to seize Achior and take him to Bethulia and hand him over to the men of Israel. (Judith 6, 10)

  • He answered and told them what had taken place at the council of Holofernes, and all that he had said in the presence of the Assyrian leaders, and all that Holofernes had said so boastfully against the house of Israel. (Judith 6, 17)

  • The next day Holofernes ordered his whole army, and all the allies who had joined him, to break camp and move against Bethulia, and to seize the passes up into the hill country and make war on the Israelites. (Judith 7, 1)

“O santo silêncio nos permite ouvir mais claramente a voz de Deus”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina