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  • And so he sent his brothers on their way. His final words to them were, 'And let there be no upsets on the way!' (Genesis 45, 24)

  • Jacob called his sons and said, 'Gather round, so that I can tell you what is in store for you in the final days. (Genesis 49, 1)

  • You will suffer; everything I have said will befall you, but in the final days you will return to Yahweh your God and listen to his voice. (Deuteronomy 4, 30)

  • For I know that after my death you are certain to grow corrupt; you will leave the way which I have marked out for you; in the final days disaster will befall you for having done what is evil in Yahweh's eyes, for having provoked his anger by your behaviour.' (Deuteronomy 31, 29)

  • Is the Lord's rejection final? Will he never show favour again? (Psalms 77, 7)

  • In his opinion we are counterfeit; he avoids our ways as he would filth; he proclaims the final end of the upright as blessed and boasts of having God for his father. (Wisdom of Solomon 2, 16)

  • The creatures that made them suffer and against which they protested, those very creatures that they had taken for gods and by which they were punished they saw in their true light; and he whom hitherto they had refused to know, they realised was true God. And this is why the final condemnation fell on them. (Wisdom of Solomon 12, 27)

  • It will happen in the final days that the mountain of Yahweh's house will rise higher than the mountains and tower above the heights. Then all the nations will stream to it, (Isaiah 2, 2)

  • Yahweh's anger will not withdraw until he has performed, has carried out, what he has in mind. In the final days, you will understand this clearly, (Jeremiah 23, 20)

  • Yahweh's burning anger will not turn aside until he has performed, has carried out, what he has in mind. In the final days, you will understand this. (Jeremiah 30, 24)

  • But I shall bring back Moab's captives in the final days, Yahweh declares. Thus far the judgement on Moab. (Jeremiah 48, 47)

  • In the final days, I shall bring Elam's captives back, Yahweh declares.' (Jeremiah 49, 39)

Por que a tentação passada deixa na alma uma certa perturbação? perguntou um penitente a Padre Pio. Ele respondeu: “Você já presenciou um tremor de terra? Quando tudo estremece a sua volta, você também é sacudido; no entanto, não necessariamente fica enterrado nos destroços!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina