Gefunden 58 Ergebnisse für: black+horse/page/4/page/4

  • And he separated the name day the she goats, and the sheep, and the he goats, and the rams of divers colours, and spotted: and all the flock of one colour, that is, of white and black fleece, he delivered into the hands of his sons. (Genesis 30, 35)

  • And Jacob separated the flock, and put the rods in the troughs before the eyes of the rams: and all the white and the black were Laban's: and the rest were Jacob's, when the flocks were separated one from the other. (Genesis 30, 40)

  • Let Dan be a snake in the way, a serpent in the path, that biteth the horse's heels that his rider may fall backward. (Genesis 49, 17)

  • And when the Egyptians followed the steps of them who were gone before, they found them encamped at the sea side: all Pharao's horse and chariots, and the whole army were in Phihahiroth before Beelsephon. (Exodus 14, 9)

  • Then Moses and the children of Israel sung this canticle to the Lord: and said: Let us sing to the Lord: for he is gloriously magnified, the horse and the rider he hath thrown into the sea. (Exodus 15, 1)

  • And she began the song to them, saying: Let us sing to the Lord, for he is gloriously magnified, the horse and his rider he hath thrown into the sea. (Exodus 15, 21)

  • But if he perceive the place of the spot is equal with the flesh that is near it, and the hair black: he shall shut him up seven days, (Leviticus 13, 31)

  • But if the spot be stayed, and the hair be black, let him know that the man is healed, and let him confidently pronounce him clean. (Leviticus 13, 37)

  • And a chariot of four horses came out of Egypt, for six hundred sides of silver, and a horse for a hundred and fifty. And after this manner did all the kings of the Hethites, and of Syria, sell horses. (1 Kings 10, 29)

  • A chariot of four horses for six hundred pieces of silver, and a horse for a hundred and fifty: in like manner market was made in all the kingdoms of the Hethites, and of the kings of Syria. (2 Chronicles 1, 17)

  • And they laid hold on her by the neck: and when she was come within the horse gate of the palace, they killed her there. (2 Chronicles 23, 15)

  • And upward from the horse gate the priests built, every man over against his house. (Nehemiah 3, 28)

“Deus não opera prodígios onde não há fé.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina