Gefunden 133 Ergebnisse für: Cubits/page/10/page/7

  • And thus shalt thou make it: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits: the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. (Genesis 6, 15)

  • The water was fifteen cubits higher than the mountains which it covered. (Genesis 7, 20)

  • Frame an ark of setim wood, the length whereof shall be of two cubits and a half: the breadth, a cubit and a half: the height, likewise, a cubit and a half. (Exodus 25, 10)

  • Thou shalt make also a propitiatory of the purest gold: the length thereof shall be two cubits and a half, and the breadth a cubit and a half. (Exodus 25, 17)

  • Thou shalt make a table also of setim wood, of two cubits in length, and a cubit in breadth, and a cubit and half in height. (Exodus 25, 23)

  • The length of one curtain shall be twenty-eight cubits, the breadth shall be four cubits. All the curtains shall be of one measure. (Exodus 26, 2)

  • The length of one hair curtain shall be thirty cubits: and the breadth four: the measure of all the curtains shall be equal. (Exodus 26, 8)

  • Let every one of them be ten cubits in length, and in breadth on cubit and a half. (Exodus 26, 16)

  • Thou shalt make also an altar of setim wood, which shall be five cubits long and as many broad, that is, foursquare, and three cubits high. (Exodus 27, 1)

  • Thou shalt make also the court of the tabernacle, in the south side whereof southward there shall be hangings of fine twisted linen of a hundred cubits long for one side. (Exodus 27, 9)

  • In like manner also on the north side there shall be hangings of a hundred cubits long, twenty pillars, and as many sockets of brass, and their heads with their engraving of silver. (Exodus 27, 11)

  • But in the breadth of the court, that looketh to the west, there shall be hangings of fifty cubits, and ten pillars, and as many sockets. (Exodus 27, 12)

“Pobres e desafortunadas as almas que se envolvem no turbilhão de preocupações deste mundo. Quanto mais amam o mundo, mais suas paixões crescem, mais queimam de desejos, mais se tornam incapazes de atingir seus objetivos. E vêm, então, as inquietações, as impaciências e terríveis sofrimentos profundos, pois seus corações não palpitam com a caridade e o amor. Rezemos por essas almas desafortunadas e miseráveis, para que Jesus, em Sua infinita misericórdia, possa perdoá-las e conduzi-las a Ele.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina