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  • Then Jacob called his sons, and he said to them: “Gather together, so that I may announce what will happen to you in the last days. (Genesis 49, 1)

  • Then Moses ascended to God. And the Lord called to him from the mountain, and he said: “This you shall say to the house of Jacob, and announce to the sons of Israel: (Exodus 19, 3)

  • I was the mediator, for I was in the middle between the Lord and you, at that time, to announce his words to you. For you were afraid of the fire, and so you did not ascend to the mountain. And he said: (Deuteronomy 5, 5)

  • Do not choose to announce it in Gath, and do not announce it in the crossroads of Ashkelon. Otherwise, the daughters of the Philistines may rejoice; otherwise, the daughters of the uncircumcised may exult. (2 Samuel 1, 20)

  • Sing to the Lord, all the earth! Announce his salvation, from day to day. (1 Chronicles 16, 23)

  • from the days when I gave judges to my people Israel, and I humbled all your enemies. Therefore, I announce to you that the Lord will build a house for you. (1 Chronicles 17, 10)

  • Then the messenger who had gone to summon Micaiah said to him: “Lo, the words of all the prophets, with one mouth, announce good to the king. Therefore, I ask you that you not dissent from them in your word, and that you speak prosperity.” (2 Chronicles 18, 12)

  • And he will tell me when he will repay them for their sins, and I will return and announce it to you, so that I may bring you through the midst of Jerusalem, and you will hold all the people of Israel, like sheep that have no shepherd, and there will not be so much as one dog that barks against you. (Judith 11, 15)

  • Behold, I will cry out, enduring violence, and no one will hear. I will announce loudly, but there is no one who may judge. (Job 19, 7)

  • Sing a psalm to the Lord, who dwells in Zion. Announce his study among the Gentiles. (Psalms 9, 12)

  • You lift me up from the gates of death, so that I may announce all your praises at the gates of the daughter of Zion. (Psalms 9, 15)

  • There will be announced for the Lord a future generation, and the heavens will announce his justice to a people who will be born, whom the Lord has made. (Psalms 21, 32)

“Todas as graças que pedimos no nome de Jesus são concedidas pelo Pai eterno.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina