Encontrados 26 resultados para: divine+plagues/page/1/page/3

  • For at this turn, I will send all my plagues upon your heart, and upon your servants, and upon your people. So may you know that there is no one like me in all the earth. (Exodus 9, 14)

  • If you walk as an adversary to me, and if you are not willing to listen to me, I will add sevenfold to your plagues, because of your sins. (Leviticus 26, 21)

  • then I also will advance against you, with an opposing fury, and I will chastise you with seven plagues, because of your sins: (Leviticus 26, 28)

  • the very great plagues, which your eyes saw, and the signs and wonders, and the powerful hand and outstretched arm, by which the Lord your God led you away. So will he do to all the peoples, whom you dread. (Deuteronomy 7, 19)

  • then the Lord will increase your plagues, and the plagues of your offspring, plagues great and long-lasting, infirmities very grievous and continuous. (Deuteronomy 28, 59)

  • In addition, the Lord will lead over you all the diseases and plagues that are not written in the volume of this law, until he crushes you. (Deuteronomy 28, 61)

  • And the subsequent generation would speak out, along with the sons who will be born afterward. And the sojourners, who will arrive from far away, will see the plagues of that land and the infirmities with which the Lord will have afflicted it, (Deuteronomy 29, 22)

  • “Woe to us! For there was no such great exultation yesterday, or the day before. Woe to us! Who will save us from the hand of these sublime gods? These are the gods who struck Egypt with all the plagues, in the desert.” (1 Samuel 4, 8)

  • Therefore, he changed his usual appearance, and he put on other clothes. And he went, and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night. And he said to her, “Divine for me, by your divining spirit, and raise up for me whomever I will tell you.” (1 Samuel 28, 8)

  • or whatever curse or divine intervention may happen to any man among your people Israel, if anyone understands, having been wounded in his heart, and if he will have extended his hands in this house, (1 Kings 8, 38)

  • And when the king of Egypt oppressed them, and also subjugated them to labor with clay and brick in the building of his cities, they cried out to their Lord, and he struck the entire land of Egypt with various plagues. (Judith 5, 10)

  • Furthermore, it was in the same writing, how the prophet, by divine response, ordered that the tabernacle and the ark be made to accompany him, until he exited from the mountain, where Moses ascended and saw the inheritance of God. (2 Maccabees 2, 4)

“Quando a videira se separa da estaca que a sustenta, cai, e ao ficar na terra apodrece com todos os cachos que possui. Alerta, portanto, o demônio não dorme!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina